First Visit

Access website from desktop, laptop or tablet. Edit your profile from the website only.
TIP: You are responsible for keeping your profile up to date.

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1.  Open browser > click first visit.

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2.  Enter email address > click request login.*
*If you receive error message, skip to Step 5.

TIP: use email address where the Welcome email was received.

TIP: Spouses enter their email address and receive their own user name and password, if their name and email address is entered in the member profile and site allows spouse access.

TIP: Executive Assistants/Safety Representatives enter their email address and receive the members user name and password, if their name and email address is entered in the member profile. They do not have their own login.

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3. An email with your username and password is sent to this email address > click OK.

TIP: if you don't receive email in your inbox, check your spam/junk folder.

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4. Return to login > enter user name and password > (optional, check remember me) > click/tap sign in.

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5. ERROR "invalid email address". This means the email address entered is not in the site database. Try entering another email address if you have one. If not, click contact button.

TIP: use email address where the Welcome email was received.
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Complete form fields > click send. Site Administrator will be in touch.
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